Welcome to Valley View Primary School P&C Association Uniform Shop.
About the Uniform Shop
Currently, the uniform shop is open for business once a fortnight, every odd week Friday morning during school terms from 8:30am – 9:30am. However, if you do not need to try on an item you can now place your order here on the website. Your order can either be sent to your child’s class pigeon-hole or collected from the uniform shop during their opening hours.
All orders received during the week (up until Thursday afternoon) are processed on Friday morning during the designated Uniform Shop hours.
If you do need to visit the Uniform Shop, we ask that you please observe the following conditions required by the Department of Education Covid-19 restrictions:
- Adults will need to fill out a short form recording their attendance in the school at the Office before arriving at the Uniform Shop;
- EFT payments preferred.
To help keep lost property to a minimum, please label all clothing. Iron on labels printed with your child’s name are now available for purchase from the Uniform Shop for just 50 cents each.
What do I need to wear to Valley View?
All students are encouraged to wear the Valley View Public School logo polo shirt, with their choice of navy bottoms. In the Uniform Shop we have multiple options available: In this image you will see the cargo pants on the first and fourth models, the basket ball shorts on the second model and the skort on the third model. Black shoes with white socks along with a navy blue hat are preferred for every day with joggers for sports days.